English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.
The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.
English is a compulsory subject in all stages of the curriculum. In Years 9 to 12, students learn about the power, value and art of the English language for communication, knowledge and enjoyment. They engage with and explore texts that include widely acknowledged quality literature of the past and contemporary societies and engage with the literature and literary heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. By composing and responding with imagination, feeling, logic and conviction, students develop an understanding of themselves and of human experience and culture. They develop clear and precise skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing, and knowledge and understanding of language forms and features and structures of texts.
In Year 11 and 12, English is structured to suit the individual needs of the student. Whilst compulsory, they chose the level they wish to study, and in some cases the texts.
English (standard) is designed for students to increase their expertise in English in order to enhance their personal, social and vocational lives. The students learn to respond to and compose a wide variety of texts in a range of situations in order to be effective, creative and confident communicators.
English (advanced) is designed for students to undertake the challenge of higher-order thinking to enhance their personal, social and vocational lives. These students apply critical and creative skills in their composition of and response to texts in order to develop their academic achievement through understanding the nature and function of complex texts.
Fundamentals of English, is designed for those students who need to develop skills in using the English language effectively. The course equips students to participate in more satisfying learning. It assists them to meet the requirements of the English (standard) courses or the English as a second language (ESL) courses and to achieve English language outcomes to support their study.
As an extension of the English curriculum in Year 11 and 12, we also offer English extension 1 and English extension 2. The Preliminary and higher school certificate (HSC) English (extension) courses enable students who are accomplished, to be analytical and imaginative in their use of English to refine their understanding and appreciation of the cultural roles and significance of texts. The courses are designed for students with a desire to pursue a specialised study of English.
These courses provide students with the opportunity to pursue areas of interest with increased independence and to theorise about the processes of responding to and composing texts. Through extended engagement in investigation and composition, students explore multiple meanings and relative values of texts. They explore a range of conceptual frameworks for the reading and composition of texts and examine a range of reading practises to develop awareness of the assumptions that guide interpretation and evaluation.
Areas covered/courses offered
- Year 9 to 12 English
- Year 11 and 12 English studies, English standard, English advanced, English extension
Special programs/activities offered
- Public speaking competitions
- debating teams
- film competitions
- Muna (mock United Nations debates)
- writing competitions, including poetry
- Hawkesbury young writers competition
- Ms J Xerri (Head Teacher)
- Mr S Eaton (H.T. Music, VA, and Teaching and Learning)
- Ms C Moran (Languages)
- Ms S Fisher
- Ms R Seymour (Wed, Thur, Fri)
- Ms M Barbeitos