Hawkesbury High School

Caring, learning, connecting

Telephone02 4579 6800


Ready to Learn

Ready to Learn focuses on the development of students’ organisation, time management and study skills.

More information about Ready to Learn can be found in the Ready to Learn  - Study Skills for High School Students booklet.

While we often talk about what students are learning and how they are learning, the missing piece in the puzzle that makes students successful is their readiness, or preparedness to learn.

Centered around the catch phrase “Organise, Prioritise, Do”,  the aim of the Ready to Learn Program is to explicitly teach students how to organise their learning resources, including books and handouts, digital files, learning spaces and Google Drive notes.

Ready to Learn also teaches students time management skills – one of the most sought-after “soft” skills by employers and a valuable life skill – including prioritising urgent and important tasks and reducing stress levels by planning ahead. Finally, students are also taught how to transform class notes into study notes and how to use teacher feedback effectively to set and achieve learning goals.

The Ready to Learn Program will see all students go through targeted workshops that teach them how to use their study guides (wall planners), manage time and create study schedules, and make effective study notes that can be used in assignments, essays and exams. These workshops are supplemented by consistent and explicit student and teacher expectations, information nights for parents, and support materials published on the school’s website.

Ready to learn study guide